(Undated Entry)
This was a very productive Sunday. After this morning's worship service
I had to come back to the chapel this afternoon to teach the Beginner's Bible class. I go to help the regular teacher. However
he had to attend to something else, and so I was asked to cover for him.
I don't mind being a substitute teacher and a fill-in. We have eight new
Christians in the class, some who have learning disabilities, and a few who cannot read much at all.
I do not know what each of their respective reading levels are, but a few
are so illiterate that I don't see how they survived on the outside.
Well, the truth is, they didn't. It's no surprise they ended up in prison.
The chances of making an honest living and of having a satisfying life are surely seriously diminished by illiteracy
I will give these men credit, however. They have a deep hunger to learn
the Bible and to know about God. Each will take turns reading from our workbooks. They always have plenty of questions and
we take our time to study and talk.
It is so encouraging for me to see these men eager to grow as Christians.
I truly love them, and I desire to see the Lord bless their lives.
David Berkowitz
(Undated Entry)
With all that has been going on both in the world and in church, as well
as the daily spiritual warfare I face each day, both from within and from without, it is really time for a break. I desperately
need to rest in the Lord. I need to be still and soak in His presence.
At this time, therefore, I am getting ready to put a stop to a lot of secondary
(and many times draining) activities. In the coming days and maybe even weeks, I want to focus more fully on the word of God.
Right now I feel utterly drained spiritually, emotionally and physically.
But this is okay, for I know that the Lord is bringing me into a period of pruning. A lot of "not needed" things will be coming
off me, and only what is necessary for my continued spiritual growth and for the production of good spiritual fruit will remain.
Truthfully, my "spiritual batteries" (for want of a better term) are depleted.
I've been running on an empty tank for a long time. now. So Doctor Jesus is calling for a period of restoration, renewal and
refreshing for me.
This has been long overdue. I need a new empowering from on high as well
as a season to get my sights refocused on the Lord.
As I've said in the past, the Lord is a patient and kind teacher. He told
me that it is time to change gears for awhile. I'm looking forward to a rest and to spending more time with Him.
David Berkowitz
August 4, 2002
I wrote about him extensively in my journal entries for July 1 thru 3.
Today, as I was going along with a crowd of men who were on our way to
the chapel for this morning's service, I heard another prisoner singing a gospel song out loud. I looked around and saw it
was JayBee.
I waited for him until he caught up with me, and then we walked the corridor
together. JayBee seemed so happy and content. I was pleased to see him probably doing better now than at any other time in
his life.
He had been so alone for so long. Before coming to prison he wandered the
streets having to fend for himself. He had to deal with his mental illness and his illiteracy.
Now that he's back in prison and among a family of Christian men who truly
love him, JayBee has begun to develop into a mature man. He even had on clean clothing; his whiskers were neat and trimmed.
Thus it was such a blessing for me to see him like this. In spite of all
the hardships that are in prison, and all the despair, for a man like JayBee, he has been brought to an oasis of healing and
In this facility, at least, he has found acceptance among the Christian
community. The men are always trying to encourage him. Some of the guys even take turns praying for him. JayBee has found
a place of refuge.
Best of all, now he has the greatest of friends, Jesus Christ. For the
Lord will never leave or forsake JayBee. And while I do not like to see men confined, in his case this may be the best option.
The streets of New York City are to cold and cruel for such a tender and diminutive soul.
David Berkowitz
August 5, 2002
One of the main ministries of the church that's behind these prison walls
is one of compassion.
For so many prisoners life has dealt them many cruel blows. It is not just
a matter of people making wrong choices, although committing a crime is certainly a wrong choice.
Yet our world is not so simple that you could put everyting in black or
white, right and wrong.
I say this because so many who are doing time in prison have few life skills
to make it in the outside world. They struggled with mental diseases like schizophrenia and clinical depression. While others
came from dysfunctional homes where there was no love. There was no one around to encourage them to lead law-abiding lives.
They grew up in households where one or both parents were alcoholics or
drug addicts. They too followed in the path their parents set before them, and they became substance abusers.
For some there were commitments to juvenile detention conters. They started
early as criminals. And for yet others there were commitments to psychiatric institutions . But whether they found themselves
incarcerated or hospitalized, they were all off to a bad start.
That these kinds of people end up in adult prisons should be no surprise.
For most of their lives they lived outside of the main stream of society. They never seemed to fit in. Nevertheless, looking
at my fellow prisoners with the eyes of a Christian, there are wonderful opportunities to share the gospel with them. Their
hearts yearn for love and forgiveness, and God offers these things to them and more.
David Berkowitz
August 8, 2002
Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with
Him is plenteous redemption.
Psalm 130:7
I have been praying for Israel. The recent wave of terrorist bombings and
attacks, and the deaths of so many young people is an enormous tragedy.
But I do believe, that man will never make peace by his own efforts. It
will take the coming of the Messiah to establish true peace. He will estabish an everlasting kingdom as He rules from Jeursalem,
and all the nations will serve Him.
Israel, however, must first pass through many severe and difficult times
unlike anything she has ever experienced in the past. This time of suffering for Israel has yet to begin. The things that
are happening now are only a prelude to the real "Tribulation" that awaits the holy land. Nevertheless, God loves the Jews,
and He is in control of all events and circumstances.
The Bible says that a remnant of Jewish people will survive this coming
period of struggle. They will receive divine favor and special mercy from the Lord to endure these seven future years of sorrow.
And when Yeshua (Jesus) comes back to save the world from annihilation
and to set up His kingdom, only then will the world under His divine leadership truly learn peace.
As the Prophet Isaiah says, "Nation will not lift up sword against another
nation. People will beat their swords into plowshares, and they will forget about war forevermore." (Isaiah 2:1-4)
David Berkowitz