February 15, 2002
I just learned that several days ago a man who I knew and had spoken to
in the fairly recent past had died from AIDS in the prison's infirmary.
His name was Melendez. He was in his late 30s, and I believe he told me
that he was from Honduras. I never got to know his first name.
Melendez was very poor and he always wore what looked like the same clothes.
He spoke very little English and didn't talk very much to anyone, not even with the many prisoners who speak Spanish.
When he first arrived at this facility he would go to the chapel on occasion.
But then he stopped attending services. When I would pass his cell I noticed that he was almost always sleeping. He seemed,
even when he walked the hallways, to exhibit purpetual tiredness. Yet he was a nice man and we sometimes exchanged a "hello".
And then he disappeard.
I hadn't seen him for months. So I thought he probably transferred to another
facility. There's always a big turn-over of inmates as men leave on transfers. So it isn't unusual to one day not see someone
whom I would be used to seeing.
I didn't know that Melendez had AIDS. One day he apparently got admitted
to the infirmary and, as oftentimes happens, he never got the chance to leave. His sickness got worse and he died alone.
The news of his death made me sad. He came to America to escape the oppressive
poverty in his country, only to die at a fairly young age and be buried in our potter's field.
David Berkowitz
February 16, 2002
This past week has been so spiritually prosperous as well as very busy
for me.
Unfortuanately the spiritual leader of our church, who's also an inmate,
has been out for more than a week with an eye infection. So he sent word to be to cover for him and to be the worship leader
for our services. I definately prefer for him to do this, as I believe he is fully anointed to do so. I am comfortable being
in the background and in doing my usual roles as usher, door greeter, and to help when and where needed.
But I had to be obedient to my pastor's request. And everyting has worked
out. All the services and Bible studies have gone well.
Even though I'm just filling in for my pastor during this week, I was thankful
for the chance to minister God's word to the congregation. The Lord had me to open up the services with prayer. Then I was
able to share a short message before the main speaker for each service came forward to preach.
On Thursday, for example, I spoke for about fifteen minutes on 1 Timothy
4:12-16. I was led to speak on the need for each of us as Christians to be a good example to our brothers, in what we teach
one another. Also to be examples in the way we live, in purity, in faith, and with showing brotherly love.
I encouraged them not to neglect the "gifts" they've been given by the
Holy Spirit, but to give themselves fully to God's work and to continue in everything that is good and honest.
David Berkowitz
February 18, 2002
The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His
Psalm 147:11
These past few weeks it seems as if both my spiritual as well as my physical
strength have returned to their full measure. In previous months the "spiritual warfare" has been so intense, that it had
taken a lot out of me. However the Lord has not left my soul destitute. He has renewed my strength so that I can soar like
an eagle.
I sense that, several weeks ago, at some point there was a breakthrough
for me. Maybe it's because a new testimony video called FORGIVEN FOR LIFE has been completed. For as it was being made I had
to press through so many discouragements and hindrances. But now the video is ready to go forth to glorify and honor the Lord.
My hope in Christ's mercy is stedfast. I trust that God Almighty takes
pleasure in me, that He loves me as His child. I believe more than ever that the plan He has for my life is working out perfectly.
David Berkowitz
February 19, 2002
It was inevitable. Eventually someone from the media was going to try to
make an issue about the tentatively scheduled parole hearing in June.
On Sunday, February 17th, the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS published a full page
article about this. The reporter talked to some of the families who were hurt by my criminal actions, to include Neysa Moskowitz.
This of course resulted in an explosion of media coverage, at least up until today. I was surprised, too, that the reporter
never asked for my opinons about this matter. So I will give them here:
The fact is, I have absolutely no interest in obtaining parole. I have
done nothing whatsoever to try to get parole. For example, I have never asked any of my many Christian friends, a number of
whom I have known for many years, to ever write letters of support.
I have never asked any church or ministry to gather up petitions and signatures
to send to a State legislature, or to the Commissioner of Parole, or to the Governor.
Likewise I have never asked any prison officials, to include administators,
counselors and correction officers, as well as the civilian staff, to everwriteletters in my behalf, or to support me for
release. I simply do not believe in doing any of these things.
And I may continue to discuss this if the Lord leads me to, tomorrow or
soon thereafter.
David Berkowitz