
MARCH 2002 b Pastor Cymbala, God's Presence

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SEPTEMBER 2001 c More September Memories
OCTOBER 2001 b Mrs Moskowitz
NOVEMBER 2001 a Bearing Burdens and Fellowship
JANUARY 2002a A Second Talk With Mrs. Moskowitz
FEBRUARY 2002 b Views On Parole
FEBRUARY 2002 c Parole, Handicapped Prisoners
FEBRUARY 2002 d Forensic Students
MARCH 2002 a The Governor, Mr. Kirschenbaum
MARCH 2002 b Pastor Cymbala, God's Presence
MARCH 2002 c Friend in Ohio, Yard Walk
MARCH 2002 d Victory Ahead
APRIL 2002 a The Evil Time, A Visit From Darrell Scott
APRIL 2002 b Mrs. Moskowitz, Thirtymile Fire
APRIL 2002 c Prison Mission field
MAY 2002 a Video Award, God's Faithfulness
MAY 2002 b Prayer for the Lauria Family
MAY 2002 c Gideon's Convention, I Have Everything
JUNE 2002 a A Serious Calling, Parole Hearing
JUNE 2002 b September 11 Aftermath
JUNE 2002 c 25th Anniversary
JULY 2002 a JayBee and Kile
JULY 2002 b Media Reports on Parole
JULY 2002 c A New Christian Brother. Joy in Salvation
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JUNE 2006 b No Longer Bound By Sin--Looking Out For Larry
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Pastor Cymbala, More Than Conquerors, God's Presence


March 9, 2002


It's been a long time since I've heard from him. But I sent off a letter to Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church. He and I used to write each other from time to time. We've both been so busy, and so the result has been lost contact.

For a number of years the Christians at the Brooklyn Tabernacle have been praying for me, and I'm so thankful. They have a strong prayer ministry.

Anyhow, I wanted to say hello and let him know how I was doing. I think it's been over a year since he and I last spoke.

I felt the need to explain that in the coming days there will be much negative publicity because of the upcoming parole hearing in June. His church is in New York City. So his entire congrgation will be exposed to this.

I asked Pastor Cymbala not to be swayed by anything. I told him that, more than likely, most of the media information will be incorrect. I shared that I am not interested in parole; the media will probably be reporting otherwise in order to agitate the public.

I also told Pastor Cymbala that I am very content right where I am. For God has given me more "freedom" today than I have ever known. This is because my "freedom" is not in my circumstances, but in knowing Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him.

Because of God's mercy and the finished work of my Lord Jesus on that cross, my name is already written in the Book of Life. So what more could one ask for? Thje Lord has been all sufficient. He faithfully meets all my needs, even right here in prison.

David Berkowitz

March 14, 2002

Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness...

Psalm 96:9a

The Church is alive and thriving behind these prison walls. These men love the Lord and it is truly glorious to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

The Christian prisoners are grateful for their salvation. Jesus said in Luke Chapter 7, that those who have been forgiven of many sins love God more than those who have been forgiven of few.

Just yesterday during our Wednesday evening Bible class, one man, Julio, shared how he led his mother to the Lord by writing his testimony and explaining the gospel to her through letters. She lives in Puerto Rico.

Julio comes from a dysfunctional family. He had been estranged from his mother for a number of years. Now he's been in prison for awhile and is doing a life sentence for a homicide during a robbery. But on October 7, 2000, he received Jesus Christ as his Savior right here in the Sullivan Correctional Facility's chapel.

Shortly after Julio was born again, he felt that he needed to reach out to his mom, to apologize for causing her so much grief. And within about a twelve month period his mother was able to forgive him. Now they're corresponding regularly.

She's to poor to make her way to New York State to visit her son. But since they are now both sharing a common faith in Christ, God has bonded them closer than ever before. Truly nothing is impossible with God!

David Berkowitz

March 16, 2002

MORE THAN CONQUERORS all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

Romans 8:37

Once again the Lord has given me another opportunity to touch some lives and to reach out far beyond these prison walls.

This morning I was able to give a 25 minute interview with a Christian radio station in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The call letters of the station are WFCV AM 1090. And the program is called "More than Conquerors." The interview seemed to turn out well, and only the Lord knows whom it may reach.

I pray that people from all walks of life will hear the message of hope. Maybe a prisoner in the county jail or someone who's confined to a hospital bed will hear the gospel and learn that God is willing to forgive the sins of anyone, including a man like myself.

The Lord also had me share some words to encourage the body of Christ not to forget those who are in prison, and to share the gospel with their neighbors, and to show love and kindness to everyone. "Love" is still the best witness, and the Bible says that "God is Love" (1 John 4:8, 16).

Then the program's host and I prayed for the President of the United States and for our nation. And as my time to speak was over, and as I hung up the telephone, I quietly thanked my God for once again giving me the blessed privilege of proclaiming His goodness and mercy to a trouble world.

David Berkowitz

March 18, 2002


March has been a very special month in our chapel. Right now our church is in a season of refreshing. The Holy Spirit has begun to move in our midst like never before.

It's not that we're seeing any miracles or other unique supernatural events. But the presence of our God has been so noticeable. His presence has been so deep and so real.

Within the past several weeks the services and Bible studies seem to be exceptionally joyful. Everyone senses the change. Our voices during the praise and worship services are filled with awe and anticipation. Plus we all seem to be growing in love for one another.

I'm thankful for what the Lord is doing with us at this time. Yet we're also warning and admonishing one another not to get careless or complacent. For we feel this "refreshing" is only for a season.

We're living in the end times. The earth is being shaken by the power of God and nations are in turmoil. This is really a time of spiritual warfare. It's an intense war which must partly be fought by the prayers and praises of the saints.

Psalm 16:11


(c) 2002 David Berkowitz 

david berkowitz authorized testimony site