July 22, 2002
Yesterday I shared about our Beginner's Bible Class for new Christians
and what a blessing these men are for me.
I enjoy seeing them hunger and thirst for God's word, and to see them truly
want to know Jesus for themselves.
One particular prisoner who touches my heart is "Brother Paulding". (Not
his real name.)
He hails from Harlem, a section of Manhattan. He's doing a sentence of
four to eight years.
Mr. Paulding has AIDS. He's rail thin and is physically weak at this stage
of his sickness. But he can still get around, although he walks slow and talks low. Many times I have to tilt my head forward
to hear him,
A few months ago I had the chance to witness brother Paulding's water baptism
which was carried out by our chaplain. Before he went into the water to be immersed (we have a large baptismal tank) brother
Paulding gave a short testimony.
He told the congregation how much he loves Jesus Christ, and how thankful
he is to now be "right with the Lord".
I love this man and I always make sure I give him a big hug whentever he
enters the chapel. He comes to almost all of the services and Bible studies and he's always a pleasure to be around.
Brother Paulding has been a Christian for about six months. I enjoy seeing
his enthusiasm for God and watching his faith grow.
Christ carries the outcasts in His arm and brings them into safe pasture.
Brother Paulding is a heaven-bound saint!
David Berkowitz
July 26, 2002
I have been a believer in Christ since 1987 when the Lord reached into
the darkest depths to pull me out of my madness and satanic torment.
Psalm 40:1-3 pretty much describes my life. And today, God has put a new
song in my mouth, a song of praise and thanksgiving from my heart to Jesus, to glorify His name among the nations.
I want to share God's goodness with everyone. But it isn't easy. The media
puts their own spin on things. I pray that more people in the media get saved. For this would truly impact our nation in a
good way if many in the news media and Hollywood get born again.
And Jesus loves them so much. He is not willing that any person should
perish in Hell, but that all come to prepentance. He reaches out to prisoners, police officers, politicians, movie acors,
and people from all walks of life.
I also ask for prayer for the families who've been hurt by me. God wants
to bring healing into each of their lives. Some have indeed already come to terms with what happened and have moved on. Most,
however, are still stuck in the past and are very bitter. They need a touch from my sweet Savior.
In fact, hundreds of thousands of crime victims in America need this same
touch. For we are a deeply grieving nation. To many have been hurt and mauled by violence. So many are weeping over the graves
of loved onces.
America needs a revival and a true spiritual awakening by God's spirit.
David Berkowitz
July 30, 2002
As this sweltering hot month comes to an end, I am thankful for all the
Lord has accomplshed with my life.
The parole hearing and the media hype that was associated with it is finished.
Now I can continue on my journey doing the things God has called me to do.
There are plenty of men in here who need ot hear God's word. I am busy
with chapel services, writing letters, and I am once again (Lord willing) going to be focusing on reaching out to my friends
in Africa.
For the next several weeks I want to concentrate on answering my overseas
mail and on getting other Christans to help the Africa saints get the things they need so that the work of the Lord can go
Yesterday I mailed a letter and a large envelope of Christian material
to my friend, pastor Emmanuel Twum Tannor, in Ghana. But ther's so much more do do. And in August, I am looking forward to
doing a filming project on the subject of "forgiveness" with Darrell Scott. He lost his daughter, Rachel, during the Columbine
High School shooting in 1999
Darrell's new book, RACHEL SMILES, is scneduled for release mext month.
He said there will be a chapter about me in it, and I was very surprised by this.
Also, on July 25th my testimony was shared at the annual Gideons International
Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. It was a Gideons Pocket Testament that God used to soften my heart. About an eight minute
portion of the video, SON OF SAM TO SON OF HOPE (I.C.N.Ministries) was used for the testimony presentation.
May God get the glory for all this!
David Berkowitz
July 31, 2002
I want to continue from where I left off yesterday. And speaking of yesterday,
I received a letter from a dear friend from Virginia wno was in El Salvador (Central America) doing some missioary work with
his church.
He told me that he handed out many copies of my testimony tract, "SON OF
HOPE" in the Spanish version, which is published by Moments With the Book (Bedford, Pa.)
I was thrilled to hear this news. I bow my heart to the Lord in deep thankfuness
and in humble adoaration for choosing to use my life for His glory.
And with each passing day I long for the moment when I will be called home
to glory. For one day Jesus will come for me. I will vansh from this earth and be caught up into the clouds to be with my
Messiah forever.
As it says in the Bible, like the rest of the redeemed, I am to "wait for
His (God's) Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come." (1 Thessalonians
And Jesus is indeed coming again! The Bible speaks more about His second
coming than His first coming. so when that trumpet sounds, I shall be gone.
I will not be found in my prison cell. I will not be on this earth. I will
instead be free evermore, and a myriad of other saints with me.
"Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Amen!
Revelation 22:20
David Berkowitz