March 21, 2002
"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they
might be saved."
Romans 10:1
I received a warm and encouraging letter from a man who lives in Ohio with
his wife and four children. He came across my testimony on this website and felt compelled to write me a few lines. And I
am certainly grateful for his encouragement, for my heart has been heavy concerning the upcoming parole hearing and whatever
"old" stuff will be coming forth as the 25th year mark approaches.
This man shared that he and his immediate family are all Jews who believe
that Jesus is the Messiah. I was happy to hear this because, even though he and I are strangers in a sense, we are already
bonded in love. We are brethren who are of the "household of faith".
He also mentioned that he has a son who's studying to be a Messianic Rabbi.
I told him that I will be keeping his family in my prayers.
In my letter I shared about my own experiences as a Jew growing up in New
York City ("The Bronx"). I told him about being raised by loving parents. While my father was not religious, my mother definately
I wrote about how my mother would observe the main tradiltional Jewish
holidays, would light candles every Friday evening at sundown in honor of the Sabbath, and how she diligently kept a kosher
Just writing about these things brought back fond memories and a deep longing
to go back in time and relive those better days. But of course even then my life was not idylllic. For my youth was a time
of emotional pain and many troubles. Yet the good memories do live on.
As for Israel and my fellow Jews, I have to say along with the apostle
Paul that my heart's desire is to see them come to a full knowledge of who Jesus (Yeshua) is, and for them to place their
faith in Him.
This evening I am going to be reading Romans chapeters nine thru eleven.
Here Paul gives a wonderful discourse on Jews and Gentiles, and how God's salvation is now available to all people through
His son, Jesus. "For whosover shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13).
My prayer is, "Lord, please help my fellow Jews and Gentiles everywhere
to know You and Your righteousness which comes through Jesus the Messiah. Amen"
David Berkowitz
March 23, 2002
"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife,
and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and even his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
Luke 14:26
This morning I made sure that I went to the recreation yard. I needed to
feel the cool air on my skin and the rays of the sun on my face. For while God always gives me peace and joy in my heart,
my spirit has been heavy because of some personal issues.
Jesus said that a true disciple must bear his own cross (Luke 14:27). Sometimes
this "cross" involves the death of my own will so that God may accomplish His will in my life. And even now I feel its crushing
And I am discovering, that many times bearing this cross will mean
having to go against the grain, to go against what other people may want and expect from me.
Having to take up my own cross may result in rejection and misunderstanding,
hurt and broken relationships, and even having to continue this journey on my own.
The apostle Paul had suffered abandonment by others many times, even by
those who were among his closest companions. Yet he was never abandoned by the Lord. For the Lord said, "I will never leave
thee, nor forsake thee."
So when I got to the yard I was happy to find my Chrisian brothers Al and
Edwin there too. Al is an elder in our fellowship. Edwin is the inmate pastor who serves under our chaplain.. Edwin is a God-appointed
leader of our flock.
It was so refreshing to be around these Spirit-filled men for 1 1/2 hours
until our recreation time was over. Both of them are also my prayer and accountabililty partners. Like me they're also doing
life sentences.
I was able to get some good spiritual advice and counsel. We ended our
time together in prayer, and then we returned to our respective cellblocks. But while we were together the Lord used them
to succor me and help me to get out of a spiritual rut.
I still have a painful situation to deal with. But getting some godly encouragement
helped to put everything into the right perspective.
God blessed me today!
David Berkowitz