
JUNE 2002 b September 11 Aftermath

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JULY 2001 b Inmate STories
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SEPTEMBER 2001 b September Memories
SEPTEMBER 2001 c More September Memories
OCTOBER 2001 b Mrs Moskowitz
NOVEMBER 2001 a Bearing Burdens and Fellowship
JANUARY 2002a A Second Talk With Mrs. Moskowitz
FEBRUARY 2002 b Views On Parole
FEBRUARY 2002 c Parole, Handicapped Prisoners
FEBRUARY 2002 d Forensic Students
MARCH 2002 a The Governor, Mr. Kirschenbaum
MARCH 2002 b Pastor Cymbala, God's Presence
MARCH 2002 c Friend in Ohio, Yard Walk
MARCH 2002 d Victory Ahead
APRIL 2002 a The Evil Time, A Visit From Darrell Scott
APRIL 2002 b Mrs. Moskowitz, Thirtymile Fire
APRIL 2002 c Prison Mission field
MAY 2002 a Video Award, God's Faithfulness
MAY 2002 b Prayer for the Lauria Family
MAY 2002 c Gideon's Convention, I Have Everything
JUNE 2002 a A Serious Calling, Parole Hearing
JUNE 2002 b September 11 Aftermath
JUNE 2002 c 25th Anniversary
JULY 2002 a JayBee and Kile
JULY 2002 b Media Reports on Parole
JULY 2002 c A New Christian Brother. Joy in Salvation
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Difficult Time, No Charges, I Almost Slipped,
September 11 Aftermath


June 13, 2002


From the last week in May until now things have been so difficult for me. I am walking by faith. Still, it has not been easy.

The scheduled June 4th parole hearing was only one small part of this difficult period. It seemed as if Satan was hitting me with everything in his arsenal. I was very depressed and utterly exhausted. I had never been attacked like this in all my years as a Christian.

For almost two weeks I had so little energy that I barely had the strength to go to my job assignment. I spent a lot of time lying on my bunk. Even going to the chapel for the Bible studies was a struggle.

Nevertheless, the Lord was faithful. For just this very morning I began to get my strength back and this depression has begun to lift. This heavy oppression is now rising off me.

And also during this time I had come under persecution from someone in the news media. But like all of Satan's devices, they only last a short season.

Meanwhile, I am continuing on with the Lord, humbled, yet learning to lean on Him even more.

For during this difficult period the Lord has given to me more of His wonderful grace. His strength was made perfect in my weakness. And I was truly so weak!

Thus it is as the Scripture says, God is a "very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:11).

David Berkowitz

June 16, 2002


Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's Elect? It is God that justifieth.

Romans 8:33

Today is Father's Day, and for me it is a typically busy Sunday. I did my usual in the chapel this morning, taking my spot by the entrance to greet everyone and hand out Bibles for the men who did not bring their own.

Then this afternoon we had our Beginners Bible Class which the Chaplain started for the new Christians. I go to assist the teacher and also help the men to locate various Scriptures. This is a challenge to work with them as most of the inmates who attend the class have learning disabillities. But the Bible teacher and I go slow and easy, oftentimes spending half an hour on one verse.

In any event, today I received my own encouragement from the Lord as He took me to Romans chapter 8.

For even after all my years as a Christian, I still need to be reminded that no one can accuse me of anything concerning my past. All my sins and crimes are "under the Blood of Christ". I have been completely forgiven. In God's eyes my sins no longer exist.

As far as the Lord is concerned, no one has any valid charge to bring against me. Thus anytime a person, be they with the news media, the general public or even with the parole board, tries to bring up my past in an accusatory manner, in God's eyes they really have no genuine standing to lay their charges on me.

His unchanging and ultimate words stand for all eternity, "Not Guilty!" This is a Biblical truth.

David Berkowitz

June 22, 2002


I am still coming out of this latest period of heavy spiritual warfare. Nevertheless, the Lord has been slowly re-strenghtening me.

However, as a result of this time of personal struggle, I have learned some deeper spiritual truths. Now I know what the psalmist, Asaph, meant in Psalm 73 when he said that as he observed the prosperous and carefree lives of the wicked, that his feet almost slipped. Asaph almost lost his faith in God.

For in his mortal mind he began to think that somehow God was unjust and that those who did not love the Lord were doing better than God's own children.

It is easy to think this way at times. I've been going through one struggle after another. Lately I have grown weary of these battles. I've been feeling weak and rundown.

Like Asaph, I too see worldly-minded people who do not love God. They seem to get one blessing after another. Their lives seem to be pain free.

But as the Lord showed the writer of this 73rd Psalm, the successes and pleasures these people are now experiencing will not last forever. Like everyone else they will have to leave this world one day. And they will not be prepared to meet the Lord at the great judgment.

Thus through all my struggles, I have been assured that God does love me. The prosperity of the ungodly is only for a season. But those who love the Lord shall live with Him forever. We shall shine as the brightness of the sun.

David Berkowitz

June 25, 2002


In the days, weeks and months after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks upon the United States of America, so many people were running into churches and going to prayer vigils. People from all walks of life were joining together to sing "God Bless Ameirca".

But with the passing of time, it is obvious that these things did not last. Everything pretty much seems to be back to the way it was. The number of churches that were packed to overflowing have dwindled in attendance, and the daily prayer vigils have stopped.

However, at the same time, the government has made tremendous inroads at setting up a national identity system, with increased monitoring of the public, and at the great loss of many personal freedoms that will be forfeited with such a thing. And most of the public seems to want this.

Meanwhile I have seen a tremendous increase of anti-Semitism both in America and overseans. There is an ever growing hatred towords Jews.

Plus there is an increasing unification of many religious faiths, all joining hands for "world peace", as the gospel of Jesus Christ gets watered down. Deception is everywhere.

So, overall, the changes in the world since 9/11 have not been good. We're closer to a worldwide persecution of Jewish people as well as born-again Christians

We're fast becoming an electronically monitored society. And as the Bible warns, there will be a World Government that will one day come forth as well as a treacherous One World Religion for the masses.

May God cause many to search the Scriptures at such a time as this. For the final stage is being set for Bible prophesy to be fulfilled.

David Berkowitz

(c) 2002 David Berkowitz 

david berkowitz authorized testimony site