July 24, 2001
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror
by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day…
Psalm 91:5
We’re in the thick of summer now and it’s sweltering hot. During
this time of year there always seems to be more tension within the facility. It’s a combination of the heat, restless
energy among the prisoners, and a change in the population.
Every prison goes through its cycles and seasons of change but in the summer it always seems to be more pronounced. Tempers are more easily ignited. Plus,
a younger and wilder group of men are here now.
In the prison setting there’s always a turnover of inmates. Some
who’ve bee here for awhile get transferred. New ones come in, many of them
just coming up State from the city jails like Rikers Island. This means getting to know new men, feeling them out and seeing what they’re
about. And for many of the older inmates like myself, this means being more cautious
around prisoners one does not know.
Prison life is always like this. Men that I manage to get familiar with
move on to other facilities. So the process of getting to know new inmates must
start all over again. And in this environment there is so little trust and so
much suspicion to begin with.
Furthermore, I have noticed that many of the younger men who are coming into the prison system these days, they have
so much hatred. It seethes right out of their skin. They’re noticeably more angry, maybe more frustrated. And
one would have to live in such an environment as this to fully understand what I am talking about and to be able to feel the
vibes and the tension.
We Christian brothers have been praying for the peace of the prison. We’ve
been through these cycles before. We’ve also likewise been praying that
any explosive siltuations, if they happen, will quickly and peaceably be diffused.
In addition, we’ve been praying that God’s love will begin to touch so many of these hard hearts. I’ve been through many a prison summer, and I know the Lord will keep me safe
through one more.
Psalm 91
David Berkowitz
July 26 2001
The Lord has blessed me once again. Today I met with three Christians
from Brooklyn who came to visit. One of them,
Dr. Charles Eisenberg, I have known for several years. However, two other ministers
came with him, and we had a good time of fellowship for about 1 ½ hours.
“Angel,” who was once a drug smuggler in Columbia (South America) and in
Florida, has a unique ministry to sailors. He is currently with the Seaman’s Mission in Brooklyn, and he is able
to go onboard the ships that are docked anywhere’s along New York City’s
He and his group go on various ships to give out Bibles, clothing and other christen literature as well as food. They try to encourage the sailors though the Scriptures, and help them in any way
they can. Most of these freighters and tankers come from other countries, and
these sailors are often very poor and underfed.
Now Angel wants to take my testimony pamphlets to the sailors along with the rest of the literature he give out. In addition, I also want to get him copies of the testimony videos which he will also
put on each ship that has English speaking men.
So as of today the Lord is opening yet another door for me to tell of His mercy and goodness. Now my testimony will be going lint more foreign countries.
Angel also told me that many of the sailors love to read anything they can get their hands on, especially because the
voyages back and forth across the ocean are so long. When they’re not working
there isn’t much else to do. But in any even, I thank God for yet another
way for me to witness for Him.
David Berkowitz
July 30, 2001
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin
is a reproach to any people.
Proverbs 14:34
As this month comes to a close, I want to thank the Lord for all He has accomplished in my life. And for the ways He has used my life for His glory.
July has been very productive, even in spite of a few days when I had struggles and my faith was being tested. The “enemy” assailed my body and mind.
But God is good, and He protects and delivers me.
And during my time alone with the Lord in quiet meditation this morning, He reminded me that He still speaks to nations. He loves mankind and He has made a way of salvation through Jesus the Messiah for
every person, Jew or Gentile, of they want it.
Just because multitudes people from all walks of life are deaf to God’s
voice, does not mean He isn’t speaking. God is not silent. He speaks through His written word (the Bible). He also
speaks through the Holy Spirit, who continues to move among humanity, softening hearts and wooing people to Him.
Anyhow, July had me busy going to the various Bible studies in the chapel. I
do not teach Bible classes anymore as I did years ago. But this is fine. There are many volunteers who come in to the prison to share God’s word. I have more than enough to do as it is.
Instead I am busy helping some of the men write letters home. I’ve
had a lot of overseas mail to answer as well as my regular correspondence.
And I did get a few more “good reports” concerning my testimony.
A friend from New Jersey told me that some people in her church will be taking several
hundred copies of my testimony in Spanish to Nicaragua, a country in South America.
In addition, a dear friend from Indiana, Carl Kallsen, told me that he gave two missionaries who were headed to South
Africa on July 5th, twelve copies of the video, THE CHOICE IS YOURS, to take with them.
These two men, Don and Wally Ruffles, have churches in the cities of Pretoria and Johannesburg where they go to.
These tapes will then be going into area prisons, hospitals, in church and to youth ministries.
I thank God for the chance to now share my story of hope with many people in these to nations.
God is working miracles!
David Berkowitz