
JULY 2006 a Resting in the Lord, Spiritual Warfare

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JULY 2006 b Sharing Grief and Faith
JULY 2006 a Resting in the Lord, Spiritual Warfare
AUGUST 2006 a A Blessed Day
AUGUST 2006 b Pastor Carl Returns
AUGUST 2006 c Joel's Dream, The Riddle
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Rest In The Lord, Amazing Things, Heavyness, Israel and War, Birth Pains 

July 3, 2006


Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.

Psalm 37:7a

This weekend I took a little time for myself in order to recuperate. I delegated other men to oversee the various services and Bible studies and, as usual, the chaplain was present to lead yesterday's worship service.

I'm certain that I have been negligent by not taking enough time for myself to get adequate rest. In addition, the extremely hot and humid weather has caused me to feel even more tired. So a few days for refreshing was needed. I spent all weekend, with the exception of Sunday morning, in my cell.

The self-imposed comfinement allowed me to do extra praying, more Bible reading and letter writing, as well as wash a small stack of clothing in my plastic pail. I'm basically a "Type A" hyperactive personality who finds it hard to sit still and relax. I've been this way all my life.

Meanwhile, God has been giving me many opportunities to share my faith with fellow prisoners, and to give words of encouragement to those who already believe in Jesus, but are currently going through various difficulties and temptations.

I cannot, however, count all the times when my Christian brothers, although having to serve their own sentences, have had to come along-side me to help encourage and strengthen me. I thank God for each one. These men have been very unique and special blessings in my life.

David Berkowitz

July 8, 2006


And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh...

Matthew 2:17a

God is doing amazing things here at Sullivan Correctional Facility. He's doing the same in jails and prisons throughout the world. This past Sunday, for example, we had 63 men attend our main worship service. The inmate ushers had to get additional chairs from nearby classrooms in order to accommodate everyone.

I believe this is a season when the Holy Spirit is pouring Himself out upon those who are incarcerated. He is convicting men and women of their sins, and they are turning away from those sins. They're hearing the gospel and believing its message.

Furthermore, for a number of years I have been saying that the largest harvest of souls to become born again will be those who inhabit our nation's jails, prisons, halfway houses, juvenile detention centers, homeless shelters and inner city mission stations. And this is because these individuals are the ones who've been shattered and battered by life's cruel blows. They're the ones who are spiritually impoverished. They have no qualms seeking help and refuge from God.

David Berkowitz

July 9. 2006


It is interesting to me how the spiritual climate of the Christian community here at the prison often apears to fluctuate from week to week.

On July 8th I wrote about last Sunday's service and how we had more than the usual number of men in attendance. well yesterday we had another good turnout, but the atmosphere was much different. There seemed to be a heaviness in the air. At the start of the service, when I began to lead the congregation in prayer, it felt as if a force was pressing aginst me. It was a struggle to pray, and the short message of exhortation I gave afterwards, was equally a difficult to deliver.

I recognized this as spiritual warfare. Something had set itself against me, and things like this happen often enough. Otherwise our time of worship went well. The choir was sharp, and our visiting preacher gave a good sermon about being justified by faith in Jesus Christ.

For my short exhortation, however, I did tell the men that God's heart grieves when we are stubbornly living in sin, and are ignorantly destroying our lives in the process. But I also reminded them that, in the Bible, Jesus told the religious leaders of His day that "prostitutes, thieves and outcasts" were getting into heaven ahead of them because these people heard the Word of God and repented of their sins, while the proud and self-righteous folks would not admit to their sins. I then added that God has now brought salvation to us because we, like the outcasts and thieves, long for forgiveness and restoration.

David Berkowitz

July 15, 2006


He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth...

Psalm 46:9a

We could call it "The War that Never Ends". This would be a good way to describe the current fighting between Israel and the vicious terrorist organization known as "Hezbollah". Watching the news on television I can see homes and buildings in both Israel and Lebanon ruined by rockets and bombs, with many soldiers and civilians already having died on both sides.

Who knows, however, if this present conflict will fizzle out with the development of an uneasy and temporary truce? Or it may eventually escalate into a full-scale war of terrible proportions. After all, Israel and her Arab neighbors have been battling one another for centuries, even from Biblical times. And with each new generation the never ending war goes on.

But one thing I do know is that God does not make war maliciously. Men do. Hearts that are filled with sin, hatred and pride cause men to pick up weapons and use them against their neighbors. Yet the Lord, so says the Bible, makes wars to cease. And one future day, I believe, war will stop forever.

When the true Prince of Peace comes to Earth to establish His kingdom, He will demand that men beat their swords and spears into plowshares and pruninghooks, and they will never start wars any more. Isaiah 2:2-4

David Berkowitz

July 17, 2006


For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

Romans 8:22

In the sixteenth chapter of Matthew's gospel, Jesus chided the religious leaders of His day because they demanded that He perform a miraculous sign in order to prove He was indeed the Messiah. Instead, Jesus said to them, that they were foolish, for while they could discern what the next day's weather was going to be like, they could not recognize who He was by all the miracles Jesus had already performed.

In a similar way, it is obvious to me that we are living in a period of human history when the Lord's calling forth for His church to be removed from this earth and taken up into heaven is very near. (The Rapture).

The world is in upheaval and many people are in pain. Multitudes are also living in fear because of crime or war. Even nature appears to be out of balance. The Bible says that all of creation is groaning and longing for the time when the earth will be restored to the paradise which once existed before sin entered the world.

Meanwhile, the signs are clear. Christ is coming again. But before He does, there will be much more suffering and sorrow. This is because sin is increasing, and with it will come the intensification of the pain it brings. Yet there is also hope because God, who the Bible says is rich in mercy* is still allowing for individuals to repent and to believe the gospel.

Yes, one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and the misery which so many of us are now experiencieng will be gone forever.

David Berkowitz

(c) 2006 David Berkowitz

david berkowitz authorized testimony site